About us
About us
As the name suggests, the O.R.I. Surveys' core business is marine surveying in general, small crafts, sail boats and yachts in particular.
On top of this, O.R.I. Surveys are occasionally engaged in QMS audits, pre-SIRE inspections preparations and general inspections of ocean-going vessels as well.
With locations at Zagreb and Tkon/Biograd at central Adriatic East coast, the company is mainly operating in Croatia, Slovenia and Montenegro.
If requested and agreed, however, we will carry out surveys around the globe.
O.R.I. Surveys are led by Captain Radovan Skarica, Master Mariner, Grad IIMS (International Institute of Marine Surveying).
Career navigator, with decades of experience of dealing with ships and boats, Radovan's waste experience is a guarantee that the survey of your boat will be professional, thorough, objective and honest.